
0PEN call [0000]

first, i’d like to put together conversations that are occurring across disciplines and in discrete communities of perception so that we can draw on them to identify shared problems and possibilities for action. second, i’d like to address deeply embedded institutions of power in relation to unwaged labor and institutional critique–from the family to the prison.

so, there are two things i’d like to accomplish in the first two months of this year.

first, i’d like to put together conversations that are occurring across disciplines and in discrete communities of perception so that we can draw on them to identify shared problems and possibilities for action. second, i’d like to address deeply embedded institutions of power in relation to unwaged labor and institutional critique–from the family to the prison.

year zero= [0. 0PEN.] any form is possible. (music and image, prose, poetry, diagram, water). FL00D.

[=]drawing parallel lines between the phrases ‘horizontal promotion’ and ‘horizontalidad’
[=]toothless critical approaches to ‘transversal’ movements

be openly critical and consult with one another, but don’t be too precious. size doesn’t matter, just keep in mind that I’m offering to work for free and don’t be overly self-important, indulgent (or boring)-as an ethic. on unwaged labor, i am particularly interested in visibly connecting struggles and I see this (form of labor/production) as a primary thread weaving through institutions of capital alongside privatization.

COMMON TERMS:  ‘Under contemporary regimes of capitalist accumulation, how are we to understand the commons today? Does it exist? Has it been subject to complete privatization? What are our shared resources? How do these resources extend beyond traditional understandings of shared land to include information, architecture, patterns of exchange and production, and collective affect and action?’