
Continental Drift

In the past few years I’ve been working on geopolitics and geopoetics, for a seminar called “Continental Drift,” with the 16 Beaver Group. This is an open- ended research project with sketch maps and unknown destinations.

Continental Drift

What’s the idea:

In the past few years I’ve been working on geopolitics and geopoetics, for a seminar called “Continental Drift,” with the 16 Beaver Group. This is an open- ended research project with sketch maps and unknown destinations.
As I come up with texts, I’m going to post them here in unfinished form. When they’re done I’ll publish a book, and move on to some other project. In the meantime the whole thing will get more interesting if you ask some questions, propose some ideas, start a conversation. I’m also gonna put up some rants, insights, snapshots, news items, whatever….