NewCLA Exchange: An Alternative
Tuesday, March 2 – Wednesday, March 3; 12-4pm
UCLA Student Activity Center, Basement
220 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Workshops, Discussions, Art & Art Activist Projects
The NewCLA Exchange is a continuation of the workshops and learning tables of a
Festival, but with a twist: your university, re-imagined by your terms. These work-
shops, though formally organized, are an opportunity for students to present them-
selves with difficult and challenging information regarding their situation at the university and better understand themselves as part of the movement.
Whether you are a student, worker, professor, administrator, we are all affected by the cuts to education in the state of California. It is not just our problem, but a problem of the economic crisis that runs deep. The student movement reflects glimpses of a deeper-seated cause.