
San Precario on the West Coast

The San Precario network, an Italian group of activists, collectives, social centers and workers which is one of the main organizers of the Milan EuroMayDay Parade, is hitting the West Coast. We will present our campaigns, screen some videos and discuss about labor, social movements, job insecurity and precarity, and radical politics.


The San Precario network, an Italian group of activists, collectives, social centers and workers which is one of the main organizers of the Milan EuroMayDay Parade, is hitting the West Coast. We will present our campaigns, screen some videos and discuss about labor, social movements, job insecurity and precarity, and radical politics.

Born in 2001, the Italian MayDay has become the most attended First of May demonstration in Europe: 120.000 people took the streets of Milan and danced until dawn in 2010 under the slogan “Precarious of the world, let’s fight!” And since 2004 San Precario is the patron saint of precarious European workers. The San Precario network is devoted to defend the workers rights but we also strife to imagine a new set of rights, a new welfare that matches the needs and lives of this precarious generation. Born within the Italian social centers movement, our collective provides legal support, tactical help and social-media skills, let alone brand subverting and political blabbing.

Our more recent campaigns are: Cash & Crash, a series of actions against evil companies’ wallets and brands; Welfare for Life! A campaign to guarantee fix income and free access to services; the Etats-General of Precarity, a general assembly of Italian and European movements which will be held in October; and of course, the EuroMayDay Parade. We’ll present our political vision, our campaigns and the EuroMayDay Parade through the North American West Coast in October. Check out the dates!

Co-presented by Insane Dialectical Posse and Llano Del Rio Speakers Burea


Thursday, December 9th, 2010 at 7:30pm

at Outpost for Contemporary Art
1268 N. Ave 50
Los Angeles, 90042

Doors open at 7:30pm, Event starts at 8:00 pm